Well, this past weekend we had the team championships tournament from the summer session. I’ll spare a lot of the detailed action, but Saturday was tough to start out. We gave the opponents 3 on 12, (we race to 12, they race to 9); and it came down to each of us needing 2 games at it’s closest. We finally pulled out ahead though, then moved on to our next match. That team was against another team we regularly play in league. This session, they beat us both times, and I think they thought they had this one in the bag, but wait… not this time. We gave them 11-8 and won by 5 games if I remember correctly. That win put us in the final 4; which was sunday’s matches. It also put us in the money; which is extra nice. Sunday we start off against a team that is really tough, we play an even race to 11. I think the morning storm really put some of us off our game because it took us a while to get going. Unfortunately, it was too little too late. We lost the match 11-5, I think. After nearly being swept the first round, then only getting 2 in the second, you could feel the despair building amongst the team. I dont think we gave up at all, but it didn’t look like we had our killer game faces on after that. We weren’t getting the rolls and when we did, we didn’t take advantage of them. So, we finished tied for 3rd/4th (single elimination). Which is still respectable, but I know we all wanted to get at least one round further. Maybe next session.