Just announced on the TAR Facebook page:

After years of false starts and dead ends TAR On Demand is here. First video available is TAR 34: Efren Reyes vs Shane Van Boening One Pocket Race to 11. The 10 Ball and 8 Ball are coming this week. You can buy the one pocket for $5 or all three days for $15 and have access to them when they go live in a couple days.

These are big files so I make no guarantee on downloading them. You should be able to by clicking the download button but due to so many possible variations I can not guarantee it will work for you on such large files. I only guarantee the streaming video will work. You have access to the streaming video for one year and you can download the file to keep forever. Again no guarantees if your ISP drops the download or whatever.

So here is TAR 34: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/tar34 . Remaining two days are being converted now and will be up by Friday.


I am SO HAPPY this is finally happening. There are so many TAR matches I didn’t get to see and can’t find DVD’s of. Hopefully they’ll start going back through their catalog and getting the older matches up there.

In the meantime, I will be enjoying this rerun – and if you like One Pocket, want to learn it, or just want to see 2 of the greatest players in the world battle, GET THIS!!