I’ve been posting a lot of videos lately, most of which are examples of my best playing – however, to keep this blog honest I decided to post up some full matches, complete with rants, misses, mistakes, losses and everything else that happens during a game. You can see a lot of videos, both long and short, at my UStream channel. The older videos were recorded with my phone, hence the extreme pixelation. The newer ones were recorded with my Kodak Zi8, converted to mp4 format then broadcasted through UStream Producer and recorded for the archive.
Here’s the entire match of me and Asmir playing a race to 7:
And here’s the entire match with Zack playing one pocket, race to 3:
Each video is about an hour long, which really isn’t too bad considering some matches take considerably longer to play the same races. Both videos were recorded the same night. Now that I’ve figured out how to do it, I’ll be posting more full length matches on UStream from the last couple of months. Would love to hear any feedback anyone has about any of them – either here or there, doesn’t matter to me.